Neighborhood Saunter

This week's selection from our text focused on the concept of artist biography, and its relation and interactions with the perception of their work. I based this week's project largely on the concept of biography, but not necessarily a biography of my own life. Instead, this biography is one of my family, our surroundings, and the neighborhood which we inhabit. Thematically, I tried to stay away from cut and dry "documentary" photography in favor of a more suggestive, abstract approach. For this project, the "abstract" doesn't necessarily refer to solely the formal elements within the frame. In equal part, it is what is omitted that creates meaning in these photographs. I attempted to create images that extend beyond their borders, and demand more than a cursory glance to appreciate their full potential. 

I think this might have been my favorite project yet (the process at least!). I used a compact camera this time instead of my normal DSLR, and I think that helped put me in a different mindset. The lens is a 28mm equiv. prime, which is a significantly wider angle than I'm used to using. This challenged me to get physically closer to my subjects, and opened up new perspectives I might otherwise have missed, favoring a convenient zoom instead.

Because of how much fun this project was, I might start a tradition of walking through my neighborhood every day to see what new subjects I might chance upon! Perhaps this could be a part of next week's project...


  1. cool! I love the idea of a continuing to photograph changes around you, sometimes subtle changes are the most impactful. I can see a theme of shadows in your images, standing out to me in #9 above. The one of the hair close up is beautiful, and encourages me to slow down and look for all the hidden details in your images.

  2. I really like all the pics about trees, flowers and grass. They are the nature around us and your angle of shots are so beautiful and comfortable for me to appreciate. Since I haven't been out for a while, it feels so nice to see some natural green things!

    1. also, the first picture hits different. It look surreal for some reason, maybe the steel boxes in the middle make the texture of the picture sharp and solid!

  3. These are amazing images and so thought out! I love the almost vintage look to them. I think you did a really nice job combining them and creating a mini portfolio


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